![]() St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop and Confessor by Rev. Peter Richard Kenrick, 1840
St. Andrew Corsini affords us, in his life, an example from which we may learn how efficacious is the intercession of the Queen of Saints, in withdrawing the sinner from the error of his way, and exciting him to aspire to, and attain, a high degree of perfection. Before the birth of Andrew, he was offered to the Blessed Virgin, by his holy parents as the first fruits of their marriage. On the night in which he was bom, his mother, Peregrina, had a dream which filled her with alarm. It seemed to her, as if she had brought forth a wolf, who, fleeing to a church, was changed into a lamb. This was a picture of what was afterwards to happen to Andrew. His pious parents employed every care and precaution, to bring him up in the fear of God; but, as too often happens, through the influence of bad company, an immoderate desire of play, and neglect of duty, he fell into the greatest disorders. Dissipation hurried him from one vice to another; until he was without affection for his parents, whom he disobeyed without remorse; so that all who knew him were full of apprehension for the future.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin for the New-bornMeanwhile, his mother, mindful of her dream, sought consolation from Mary by continual prayer. Andrew, while one day preparing for a party of pleasure, expressed himself in a very disrespectful manner to his mother; she burst into tears, and told him the depth of her affliction. "Indeed, son," said she, "you are the wolf that I saw in my dream." Somewhat moved at these words, he said: "What do you say, mother? Am I a wolf?" Peregrina hereupon related the dream that she had had, and also mentioned that, before his birth, she had offered him to the Blessed Virgin. So great was the impression this made on Andrew, that he was unable to sleep during the following night. The thought, that he had been dedicated to the Mother of God occupied his mind. "Virgin Mother," he at length exclaimed, "because I am thy servant, I will unceasingly serve thee." At the break of day, he went to the church of the Carmelites, and prostrating himself before an image of Mary, offered himself up to this merciful Mother, and bade her change this wolf into a lamb. He frequently repeated this prayer; at length it was heard. To serve the holy Virgin in a perfect manner, he asked the prior of the convent to admit him into the order. Having obtained this request, he showed, by the piety of his life, that the dream of his mother was not an idle fancy. Andrew made great advances in virtue, and was soon an experienced master in perfection. He was subsequently ordained priest, in obedience to the orders of his superior, and soon after was made bishop. In all the circumstances of his life, he cherished a fervent devotion to Mary, his powerful protectress; and sought all opportunities of proclaiming her praises. He was called to the nuptials of the heavenly Lamb in 1373, and experienced, in his last hours, the powerful intercession of her, who had procured for him the grace of conversion, and inspired him with the desire for perfection.
O Mary, Immaculate Mother, I beseech you by the joy which
you experienced at the birth of Jesus, your Divine Son, take under your
protection all children who will be born today throughout the whole
world. Obtain for them the grace of Holy Baptism, protect them without
ceasing, and on the day when they first receive the God of Love, let
their still pure and innocent hearts understand the heart-beats of the
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and unite themselves with It forever.
O, Queen of heaven and of earth! God has loved and honoured thee above all creatures: and now thou art exalted above all saints in the kingdom of heaven. All admire thy virtue and perfection; all praise, and reverence thee as their Queen. O, glorious Queen! despise not my petitions: accept of my homage, my veneration, and my love. I commend myself to thy powerful protection, and dedicate to thee what I am, and what I have. On thee do I found my hope, for although thou art my Queen, thou art also my gracious, and amiable Mother. Thou has quitted this world, and entered into possession of thy kingdom. Thy elevation has increased thy compassion for the hapless children of Adam. From the sublime throne on which thou art seated, cast thy merciful eyes on the inhabitants of earth, and take pity on them. Thou seest to what dangers they are exposed, as long as they sail on this tempestuous sea, on which so many have been wrecked. Obtain for me perseverance in the grace of God, that on quitting this world I may chant thy praises and benefits, and, in union with thee, give endless praise and glory to our common Creator. Amen.
Resolve to think often of heaven, and make use of every opportunity of impressing yourself with a high idea of its happiness. When you see beautiful objects, think with a holy servant of God, how much more beautiful is God! When you taste any thing that pleases you, think, how much delight is found in the enjoyment of heaven. When you hear fine music, think of the choirs of angels. Aspiration: O Mary who can refuse to love thee! ![]() St. Andrew Corsini from the Roman Breviary
Andrew, born at Florence, of the noble family of the Corsini, was a child born in answer to his parents' prayers, and was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. For what manner of man he was to be was shown by a divine sign before he was born: for his pregnant mother dreamed she had given birth to a wolf, which ran to the Carmelite church, and was immediately changed into a lamb at the porch of that temple.
Prayer to the Queen of CarmelIn youth, though educated piously and as befitting his rank, he gradually fell into vice, and was often rebuked by his mother. But when he learned that he had been dedicated by his parents' vow to the Virgin Mother of God, he was set on fire by divine love, and hearing of his mother's dream, entered the Order of the Carmelites; in which he was often molested by the devil with various temptations, but nothing could make him change his resolution of entering religion. He was shortly after sent to Paris and after completing the curriculum of studies and taking his degree, he returned to his own country, and was made superior of his order in Tuscany. About that time the church of Fiesole lost its shepherd, and chose Andrew for its bishop; he thought himself unworthy of the office and for a long time hid himself until found outside the city, where he was betrayed by the voice of a child speaking miraculously, and, fearing to resist the will of God, he accepted the bishopric. When exalted to that dignity, he applied himself more than ever to the practice of humility, which he had always cultivated; and to the zeal of a shepherd he united tender compassion for the poor, almsgiving, constant prayer, watchings, and other practices of virtue, and he was also noted for the gift of prophecy so that his sanctity was proclaimed by all.
O glorious Virgin Mary! Queen of Carmel, Mother of God and of poor sinners; special Protectress of all those who wear thy holy Scapular, I supplicate thee, by the glory that has been accorded thee by the Incarnate Word in choosing thee for His Mother, to obtain for me the pardon of my sins, amendment of my life, salvation of my soul, consolation in my pains, and in particular the grace I now ask, provided it be conformable to the will of thy divine Son. Amen
O Queen, who art the beauty of Carmel, pray for us.(Indulgence: 300 days) ![]() Litany of the Saints of the Carmelite Order
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us, Holy Mary, Pray for us. * Queen of All Saints, * Mother, Ornament of Carmel, * Saint Joseph, Protector of Our Order, * Our holy Father, the Prophet Elias, who by thy prayer and contemplation laid the foundation of our Order on Carmel, * Saint Eliseus, who through thy disciples didst preserve the spirit of Elias on Carmel, * St. Telesphorus, watchful guardian of the Church, * St. Anastasius, invincible amid the most fearful torments, * St. Gerard, who didst die a glorious martyr's death for the spread of the Faith, * St. Angelus, glorified with the triple crown of Confessor, Virgin and Martyr, * St. Peter Thomas, great servant and imitator of Mary, who adorned thee with all virtue, and strengthened thee in martyrdom, * Blessed Dionysius of the Nativity, invincible soldier of Christ and His holy martyr, * Bl. Redemptus of the Cross, who through thy holy zeal hast earned the martyr's crown, * St. Dionysius, zealous believer in the Mystery of the Holy Trinity and the defender thereof, * St. Serapion, renowned for thy virtue and sanctity, and for thy wisdom and knowledge, * St. Spiridion, great lover of evangelical simplicity, * St. Cyril of Alexandria, vigilant defender of Mary, Mother of God, * St. Albert, our most wise lawgiver and director, * St. Andrew Corsini, wonderful peacemaker and despiser of worldly honors, * St. Hilarion, admirable for thy life of prayer and mortification in solitude, and for thy power over evil spirits, * St. Berthold, who didst unite the dwellers on Carmel into one ecclesiastical Order of Mary, * St. Brocard, great zealot for the observance of religious discipline, * St. Cyril of Constantinople, eminent for virtue, wisdom and learning, * St. Simon Stock, privileged servant of Mary, * St. Albert of Sicily, exalted model of unspotted purity, * St. Avertanus, example of perfect obedience, * St. John of the Cross, Doctor of the Church, and sure guide in the mystical life, * Bl. Franco Lippi, outstanding for severe mortification and holy silence, * Bl. Romaeus, model of humble monastic virtue, * Bl. Angelus Augustine, marvel of eloquence in preaching the Word of God, * Bl. John Soreth, burning with love of the primitive observance, * Bl. Aloysius Rabatha, model of holy and severe penance, * Bl. Jacobinus, renowned for thy profound meekness and great humility, * Bl. Bartholomew Fanti, burning with love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, * Bl. Nonius Pereira, loyal servant and devotee of Mary, * St. Euphrasia, perfect example of obedience, * St. Euphrosina, wonderful lover of purity, * St. Teresa, illustrious reformer of Carmel, full of heavenly wisdom, * St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, victim of crucified love, * St. Therese of the Child Jesus, teacher of the "Little Way" and Patroness of the Missions, * Bl. Frances of Amboise, noble by birth, but nobler in virtue and steadfast confidence in God, * Bl. Jane Scopelli, perfect model of prayer and mortification, * Bl. Archangela, most tender in thy love for Jesus and Mary, * Bl. Mary of the Incarnation, lover of real meekness, * Bl. Anne of Saint Bartholomew, one with Teresa in the reform of Carmel, * Bl. Mary of the Angels, like to the angels in innocence and purity, * Bl. Jane of Toulouse, admirable for love of solitude and prayer, * Bl. Therese and Companions, martyrs for Christ in the French Revolution, * St. Teresa Margaret, great venerator and humble disciple of the Sacred Heart,* All ye holy Virgins and Matrons of Carmel,* All ye holy men and women who by thy virtues have given glory to Carmel, * Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us. V. Pray for us, all ye Saints of Carmel: R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray: Almighty and merciful God, Who dost rejoice us by the memory of all the Saints of the Carmelite Order: grant that, inspired by their example and merits, we may live for Thee alone in the continual observance of Thy law and in the perfect abnegation of self, and that we may attain to perfect happiness with them in heaven. Through Christ Our Lord. R. Amen Common of a Confessor Bishop from the Roman Breviary
Behold a great priest,
who in his days pleased God,
and was found just.
There was not found the like to him, who kept the law of the Most High. Therefore by an oath the Lord made him to increase among His people. O ye priests of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: O ye servants of the Lord, sing ye a hymn unto God, alleluia. Good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of Thy Lord. http://catholicharboroffaithandmorals.com/ |